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Lovage Root Combo Tea Extract was formulated by our herbalists to help promote circulation and alleviate the discomfort everyone experience from time to time.
Functions and indications:
Quickens the blood and expels wind, soothes the liver and rectifies qi, suppresses pian and removes phlegm. Use for the migraine with a special good effect.
Packing: 200mg X 150 pills per bottle.
Sichuan Lovage, Fragrant Angelica root, Japanese Bush Cherry, Bupleurum root, White Mustard seed, Chinese Licorice root, Chinese Peony root, Cyperus rhizome
Directions: Take 10 pills 3 times a day as a dietary supplement.
Warning: Do not use if you are pregnant.
This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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